ROSIA MONTANA: „Sie werden das Gold nehmen und Zyanid zurücklassen“ – Premier Nastase äußert sich ablehnend zum RMGC-Projekt

Alburnus Maior hat eine Pressemitteilung zu jüngsten Äußerungen des rumänischen Premierministers, Adrian Nastase, herausgegeben. Nastase erklärte in einem Interview mit Alpha TV, daß der Goldabbau nichts zum Abbau der Armut im Lande beitragen würde. Hingegen würde das Gold abgebaut und dafür Zynaid zurückbleiben. Es folgt die Pressemitteilung im englischen Wortlaut.

‘They will take the gold and leave the cyanide’
Romania’s Prime Minister Adrian Nastase rises against the Rosia Montana gold mining project

Rosia Montana/Romania; September 23, 2004 – Romania’s Prime Minister Adrian Nastase has reconfirmed his position against Gabriel Resources controversial gold mining development. During an official visit in Alba Iulia, the regional capital close to Rosia Montana, Romania’s Prime Minister declared amongst others: ”…the point of view expressed has always been very clear, namely against this project.”

Gabriel Resources (TSX: GBU), a junior Canadian mining company, intends to realize Europe’s largest open-cast mining development in Rosia Montana; entailing, amongst other, the involuntary resettlement of over 2000 people as well as the destruction of unique archaeological and natural sites. From its‘ onset the development has been beleaguered by scandals, operational problems and vehement local, national and international opposition. After encountering critical uncertainties as well as debts Gabriel Resources entered earlier this month a 10 percent subscription agreement with Newmont Mining Corp. of Canada Limited a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corp. (NTSE: NEM), the world’s largest gold producer.

Newmont is experiencing significant difficulties at operations in Turkey, Indonesia, Peru and even the USA. These controversies which include suspensions of mining operations and criminal charges were extensively covered by the press; including a recent front page article in the New York Times.

In an interview with ‘Alpha TV’ Adrian Nastase declared that “… the point of view expressed has always been very clear, namely against this project. Regarding the claim that the Rosia Montana mining development will save Romania from poverty; this is but a fairy tale. They will take the gold and leave the cyanide.“ The Prime Minister has sharply criticized the project on two previous occasions in 2003.

With national elections due in November and Adrian Nastase poised to replace Ion Iliescu, Romania’s out-going president, the prime ministers statement comes at a time when his government is in need to appease public opinion and demonstrate more than honest endeavors in meeting European Union (EU) accession criteria. Romania is scheduled to become an EU member in 2007. Current EU accession negotiations which amongst others, comprise the environmental chapter, are likely to include the controversial Rosia Montana development. Adrian Nastase’s statement comes only days after Ion Iliescu on a visit in Canada declared that “…I’m very interested in the presence of a Canadian company and for the region where they’re trying to develop this mining activity. It is very important from the economic and social point of view, but the question was raised concerning the environment,“ pointing out that meeting strict environmental standards is an EU membership condition.

“In light of the EU accession talks, cyanide and standards have become a fashionable issue to appease the EU and avoid addressing what really is at stake here in Rosia Montana. The project’s impact will be culmulative and Rosia Montana is a densely inhabited zone. Whilst talking cyanide, various permits have been granted, unique archaeological treasures have been declassified and people are being involuntarily resettled; this in absence of on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This is not only illegal; it’s irresponsible and a very lucrative business for the relevant agencies. What is needed now is integrity, resoluteness and action,“ said Eugen David, president of Alburnus Maior, the local opposition group consisting of property owners refusing to make way to the mining development on social, environmental, economic and cultural grounds.

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For more information visit and contact ‘Alburnus Maior’ on +40 (0) 258 859328 or Eugen David on +40 (0) 740 280309.

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