Der Vorsitzende der Bürgerintiative Alburnus Maior, die den lokalen Widerstand gegen die geplante Goldmine von Rosia Montana koordiniert, ist am 12.3. von der Polizei zwei Stunden verhört worden. Grund war eine Anzeige wegen angeblichen Verstoßes gegen das Urheberrecht durch Beatrice Cauuet von der Universität Toulouse. Im folgenden dazu eine Presseerklärung von Alburnus Maior in englischer Sprache.
The Many Faces of Law
Rosia Montana, Romania, 14. March 2004 – On 12. March 2004 Eugen David, President of Alburnus Maior, was interrogated by Romania’s General Police Inspectorate (GPI) for almost two hours following a complaint filed by Beatrice Cauuet – Toulouse University for infringing author’s rights. According to the GPI, this interrogation is a preliminary investigation leading to a penal procedure. Against an individual’s most fundamental rights, Eugen David was not given access to the complaint nor was he informed in a timely manner about his statute/ role within this procedure. At the time of writing neither Eugen David nor Alburnus Maior have seen the complaint filed by Beatrice Cauuet – Toulouse University.
On 9. March 2004 Eugen David, President of Alburnus Maior was contacted by Romania’s General Police Inspectorate (GPI) to appear at the Inspectorate on 12. March 2004 following a complaint filed by Ms. Beatrice Cauuet – Toulouse University. Mr. David was given no explanation as to the nature of the complaint and no writ had reached Alburnus Maior by 10. March 2004.
Given that a writ has to reach its destination at least three days in advance of the date requested to appear, Eugen David consequently contacted the GPI on 10 March 2004 asking for such official document. Attached the document shortly after faxed to Alburnus Maior. It has no prerequisite reference number, no official stamp; requesting the appearance of Eugen David as a physical person, rather than as Alburnus Maior’s president; this although the infringement or non infringement of author’s rights can only concern Alburnus Maior.
On 1. September 2003, Alburnus Maior wrote an open letter to Razvan Theodorescu, Romania’s Ministry for Culture and the Cults informing him of the illegal exploitation of the so-called Cirnic Massif; situated in Rosia Montana. This letter was signed by Eugen David in his role of Alburnus Maior’s president. In order to highlight the illegal destruction of an unique archaeological treasure , Alburnus Maior attached several references including a report entitled “Ancient Gold Mines of Dacia –Rosia Montana District”, part of the Ministry of Culture’s “Alburnus Maior” national research program; submitted in 2002 by a French team from Toulouse University headed by Beatrice Cauuet. The letter and references were copied to various Romanian and international authorities as well as posted on, a website maintained by volunteers supporting the activities of Alburnus Maior.
On 12. March 2004 Mr. Eugen David was interrogated by an GPI Commissioner for almost two hours who, at the inception of the questioning, did not clarify Mr. David’s statute/ role within the procedure concerning Ms Cauuet’s complaint. Given the GPI’s inability to clarify Mr David’s role, he was eventually given that of a ‘claim-ed’; a definition that does not exist. Throughout the meeting Eugen David was not given access to the complaint; but instead was read random excerpts by the GPI Commissioner. At a point Mr David was shown the English version of the open letter to Razvan Theodorescu and with this letter was asked whether he assumes authorship over “Ancient Gold Mines of Dacia –Rosia Montana District”. Two further Alburnus Maior members are scheduled to be interrogated by the GPI.
In light of the above and given Alburnus Maior’s right to know the truth, the NGO contacted Beatrice Cauuet. From this conversation Alburnus Maior learned that it is not the intention of the plaintiff to launch a penal procedure against Eugen David or any particular member of Alburnus Maior and that her aim is to obtain a moral and professional reparation. She filed a complaint at Romania’s Office for Authors’ Rights against Alburnus Maior having posted “Ancient Gold Mines of Dacia –Rosia Montana District” on Ms Cauuet explained that she suffered professionally from accusations by expert colleagues claiming that she was underestimating Cirnic’s archaeological value. During the conversation Alburnus Maior explained what happened at the GPI; including the severe violation of fundamental rights carried out against Eugen David.
Alburnus Maior is still awaiting to receive the official complaint in order to learn what it is accused of. It is only then that the NGO will be able to address the issues enclosed in the complaint and react accordingly. In the meantime Alburnus Maior is making sure that Romanian and international Human Rights institutions are monitoring the violations committed by the GPI against Eugen David.
For more information contact Eugen David on +40 (0) 740 280309 or Stephanie Roth on +40 (0) 741588270.
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