Call for Papers: Conferinþã studenþeascã/ Student Conference: Analiza ºi asumarea trecutului recent în societãþile post-dictatoriale/ Reckoning with the Past in Post-Dictatorial Societies

13-14 mai 2011
Facultatea de ªtiinþe Politice, Universitatea din Bucureºti
Termen limitã de trimitere a rezumatului: 30 martie 2011

May 13-14, 2011
Political Science  Department, University of Bucharest
Deadline for submitting the abstract: March 30, 2011

Asumarea trecutului recent se resimte în forme distincte de la o societate post-dictatorialã la alta, delimitând valori, noi principii sau norme juridice care sã construiascã democraþia. Aºa cum subliniazã autori precum Juan Linz ºi Alfred Stepan, implicaþiile tranziþiei ºi ale consolidãrii democratice depãºesc în complexitate simpla punere în evidenþã a trecerii de la un regim nondemocratic la unul democratic. Astfel de perioade sunt definite în primul rând de eforturi analitice, vizând înþelegerea acestui „l’ancien régime” atât din perspectiva mecanismelor represive care au permis perpetuarea acestuia, cât ºi din perspectiva modului în care cetãþenii au construit mecanisme de „acomodare” cu regimul.  În al doilea rând, aceste perioade sunt definite de alegerile pragmatice, instituþionale, prin care se doreºte delimitarea de trecutul dictatorial ºi credibilizarea noului regim democratic (Claus Offe).

The challenges of reckoning with the recent past differ from one post-dictatorial society to another, shaping new values, principles, or juridical norms on which democracy is to be built. As Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan underline in their study, the implications of transitions and of democratic consolidations are more complex than the simple movement from a nondemocratic to a democratic regime. Such periods are defined by analytic efforts of understanding the former regime, both with regard to the mechanisms of repression that allowed for its perpetuation, and to the manner in which citizens built mechanisms of accommodation to it.  Furthermore, periods of transition entail also pragmatic, institutional, choices for drawing a line between the past and the present, so as the new political and social order becomes credible. (Claus Offe)

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