Anfang Dezember war eine offizielle Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments in Rosia Montana. Hierzu liegen eine Pressemitteilung von Alburnus Maior sowie eine Meldung des staatlichen rumänischen Fernsehens in englischer Sprache vor.
Gabriel’s Rosia Montana gold mining project: An obstacle to EU accession
Rosia Montana, Romania/ 12. December 2003 – Last Monday an official European Parliamentary Delegation visited Rosia Montana to speak to all involved parties about Gabriel Resources’ (‘Gabriel’; TSX:GBU) notorious Rosia Montana gold mining project. The delegation particularly wished to investigate the true impact of the development as well as its compliance with EU norms.
Marie-Anne Isler-Béguin (France, Green), Hans Kronberger (Austria, non-party member), Christa Klass (Germany, PPE) and Jonas Sjostedt (Sweden, GUE) started their visit by meeting Mugurel Liviu Sarbu, the regional prefect in Alba Iulia. The parliamentarians also met with the management team of Gabriel Resources; the project sponsor that wishes to realise Europe’s largest open cast gold mining operation in Rosia Montana.
In the early afternoon the delegation arrived in the Rosia Montana region. For well over two hours they visited the area that would be directly impacted by the mining project and spoke to numerous locals they met on their way.
At 16.00 the European parliamentarians met with 200 Alburnus Maior members in Rosia Montana. The gathering was also attended by roughly twenty Romanian and international NGOs that actively support Alburnus Maior; the local opposition to Gabriel’s mining project. The meeting was launched with a short overview given by Eugen David, president of Alburnus Maior. For two hours locals and NGO representatives brought their deep concerns and arguments to the attention of the EU parliamentary delegation.
The contributions varied with some locals just indicating their identity followed by a statement that they do not wish to leave Rosia Montana and make way for Gabriel’s mining project. Others explained in detail how the mining company had adversely affected their lives. Others again explained how the local authorities, by actively supporting Gabriel’s mining development, hindered local development initiatives.
Given the limited timing only six NGOs were able to raise their arguments. They included ICOMOS, Greepeace CEE, Otus, OVR and Clubul de Ciclo-Turism Napoca. Professor Vichy Zolt presented the delegation with the recent resolution ICOMOS passed on Rosia Montana. Herwig Schuster from Greenpeace CEE submitted a report questioning the compatibility of Romania’s newly implemented EIA legislation with its EU counterpart. Otus released a detailed inventory of bird species recently observed in Rosia Montana; with numerous listed under Natura 2000. According to Josef Szabo, the report’s author: “ We are deeply concerned that proposed mining project will highly jeopardize the populations of the species as well as the correct implementation of the EU legislation and other conventions. We have to take into account that Romania has already assumed certain obligations as an accession country, we ask to stop the mining project until the correct implementation of the EU legislation regarding the establishment of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas.”
The meeting terminated with statements given by each EU parliamentary delegation member.
Jonas Sjostedt highlighted that it is not in the delegation’s power to approve or reject the project; but that it is indeed in their power and intention to make sure that this project adheres to all relevant EU regulations. “We will never forget this day; this moment and we would like to thank the people of Rosia Montana for giving us an important lesson about life,” said Hans Kronberger. Christa Klass pointed out that she was raised in a small farming community and that she understands the various issues brought to her attention by the locals from Rosia Montana. “The EU Commission has the responsibility to ask the Romanian government to clearly commit itself to the enforcement of the laws with regards to the environment,” said Marie-Anne Isler-Béguin. “The population here would like to stay and I am under the impression that a foreign company is hindering the functioning of local democracy,” concluded Isler-Béguin.
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For more information contact Eugen David on +40 (0) 740 280 309 and Francoise Heidebroeck on +40 (0) 723 230790 and visit
EU Delegation in Rosia Montana
Quelle: Romanian National Television (website) am 08-12-2003
During a meeting with locals from Rosia Montana (Alba Iulia), members of Environmental Commission from the European Parliament said on Monday, that Romania’s entry into the EU will very difficult if (RMGC’s) gold mining project will commence without respecting EU legislation. The EU parliamentary delegation was formed by members from Austria, France, Germany and Sweden. Their program included discussions with Mugurel Liviu Sabru, the regional prefect, and Rosia Montana Gold Corporation’s (RMGC) management team. The Commission also held meetings with two NGOs based in Rosia Montana; ‘Alburnus Maior’ which opposes the project and ‘Pro Rosia Montana’ which is in favor.
The European Parliament considers that the Rosia Montana mining project is one of Europe’s most controversial one. Jonas Sjostedt, the Swedish MEP said that “the Romanian authorities and the company should respect European legislation”. The European official underlined that mining companies operate throughout the world but what is very important is that they respect the law. He added that “we are not opposed to mining per se. We must have a severe legislation that punishes those wishing to make quick profits without caring and at the same time supports those who respect the law.”
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