Seit wenigen Tagen haben zwei Archivare des New Yorker Leo-Baeck-Instituts, Julie Dawson und Ryan Mendenhall, ihre Recherchen (siehe: von Suceava nach Sibiu/ Hermannstadt verlegt. Unter den ersten Überraschungen fand sich ein Geburtenbuch aus Alzen/ Alțâna. Sie schreiben dazu in ihrem heutigen Blogeintrag:
„The book above, apparently kept in Alzen / Alțen, has an elaborate cover. The entries fill only a handful of pages and are primarily from a few families. On the one hand they prove that Jews were in fact settled throughout the Saxon heartland, if sparsely (it is often assumed there were no Jews in the villages here at all); on the other hand it raises interesting questions regarding how these isolated Jewish families may have maintained traditions over generations with no larger communities nearby.“
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